devon + nico hase

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It's been awhile

It's been a long time since I last wrote a blog.

In part, that's because Devon and I have been deep in it. We've been teaching in a different city every weekend without ever leaving our rooms (special thanks to Zoom). Our mentoring schedules have overflowed with new friends. And of course we've been jabbering away about dharma and racial justice on podcasts of every persuasion.

More to the point, though, I just haven't felt up to posting. The world is on fire. Try as I might, I can't think why anyone might want to read what I have to say.

Nevertheless, here I am. Fumbling for a few words that might reach across the divide.

I hope you are well, my friend.

Wherever you are. Whoever you are. Whether we have been close for years, or you just joined this mailing list last week.

Is your heart broken? Because my heart breaks every day.

Are you hopeful? I have a complicated relationship with hope, myself.

Here's what I hope: I hope you have everything you need. I hope you are loved.

I find my solace in the creek by our house.

There is some truth I am always uncovering that feels, to me, unshakeable. This truth has no name. I lose it. Like losing my way. Then find it again.

You could say it is the original face.

You could say it is aliveness itself.

Sometimes I think this feeling is the same force that grows flowers from the ground.

Or draws a hundred thousand protesters out onto the streets.

Sending many good wishes your way,