devon + nico hase

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Do Less, Slower

Hello Friends,

Coming out of this yearlong retreat, our maxim has been: do less, slower.

As in, put less on the calendar.

Also, try to accomplish less in a day.

Finally, do less in meditation—less effort, less striving, less accomplishing.

Doing less, of course, leaves room for more. When you do less, the world rises up to meet you. Your senses open; you find the pace of things.

When was the last time you stopped to recognize that the tree outside your window is breathing?

You are breathing, too, and it's a good thing to know it. First a long breath, then a short breath. It's fun to wonder what the next breath will bring.


Honestly, it hasn't been easy for us. We've fallen off the wagon half a dozen times since we hit the ground jogging in December.

So we have to remember the blessings of space, and lean into that space, and remind ourselves, again and again: do less, slower.

Do less, slower.

What a beautiful potential. Who wants to join us?

sending lots of love,
nico hase

*join me for an online daylong meditation retreat on March 11th on the topic of "Wisdom," that quality of the heart that knows what to do.