Equanimity in Difficult Times:
A Daylong Retreat with nico hase
Saturday, September 9th
10 am to 4 pm pacific time
There’s a lot to worry about these days. From the big things, like continuing racial injustice and the ever-mounting consequences of climate change, to the personal things, like raising kids and paying the rent on time . . . how can we maintain a sense of balance and evenness in the midst of it all?
The answer is uppekha parami, the cultivation of an embodied equanimity. And the way to build this evenness of the heart is step-by-step, moment by moment, one mindful breath at a time.
In this one-day online retreat, nico will guide meditators through a series of contemplations to cultivate and expand the quality of uppekha parami (“equanimity”): that quality of the heart that regards the world with an warm-hearted evenness.
The day will begin with an hour of conversation and an opening talk around the theme. We’ll then sit and walk for four hours in lightly guided practice, before reconvening for a closing talk and further dialogue.
The first 12 people to register for the retreat will have an opportunity to meet with nico during the sitting and walking periods.
This daylong is the ninth in a series of twelve online daylong retreats on the paramis.
The ten paramis (“furtherances” or “perfections”) are foundational to the Buddhist path of awakening. Spanning states of the heart from kindness and equanimity to resolve and renunciation, they offer us a time tested way forward, a manner of cultivating what most truly benefits ourselves and others, both right now, in this moment, and as a stepping stone to final liberation.
For scholarship information, or if you have any questions about this retreat, please email retreat manager Rachael Smith at rtannersmith@gmail.com.
nico hase lived in a monastery for six years before earning a PhD in counseling psychology and becoming an Insight Meditation teacher full time. He currently mentors mindfulness teachers, teaches online and in-person retreats, and speaks with students in one-on-one sessions. He and his beloved life partner devon are the authors of How Not to Be a Hot Mess: A Survival Guide for Modern Life.