Emerging Dharma

This Saturday I guided a daylong retreat with a few friends. Over the past half a year or so, I've been doing one of these just about every month. I've been capping the retreats at about a dozen people. And I've been meeting one-to-one with everyone.

I love these interviews. I learn from them.

Here are a few takeaways from conversations we had on Saturday:

  • It's really just about showing up.

  • Meditation is a process of de-alienation.

  • What's with this deep fear of being seen?

  • How do we find a balance between doing and being?

  • Awareness pays dividends: resilience builds over time.

  • We could let creative energy run wild.

  • If I'm not bad, what am I? I'm a kid who wants to play.

And much more.

Many thanks to each of you who were there on Saturday. Thanks to all of you reading this blog, our wider community. Thanks to everyone who is participating, in one way or another, in this emerging dharma, this dharma that we are staking out at the edge of the world, that has no edges, that's sometimes a little edgy.

All good things,
nico hase

p.s. for upcoming teachings with Devon or me click here.

nico hase