A Year of Paramis

The ten paramis (“furtherances” or “perfections”) are foundational to the Buddhist path of awakening. Spanning states of the heart from kindness and equanimity to resolve and renunciation, they offer us a time tested way forward, a manner of cultivating what most truly benefits ourselves and others, both right now, in this moment, and as a stepping stone to final liberation.

Nico will be offering online daylong meditation retreats on the paramis every second Saturday of the month for the year of 2023. On the odd months, he’ll be teaching alone. During the even months, he’ll teach with a friend.

With friends:

Nico alone:

  • January 14 . . . “Paramis as Presence” . . . register here.

  • March 11 . . . “Wisdom” . . . register here.

  • May 13 . . . “Patience” . . . register here.

  • July 8 . . . “Energy” . . . register here.

  • September 9 . . . “Equanimity” . . . register here.

  • November 11 . . . “Paramis as Path” . . . register here.

nico hase lived in a monastery for six years before earning a PhD in counseling psychology and becoming an Insight Meditation teacher full time. He currently mentors mindfulness teachers, teaches online and in-person retreats, and speaks with students in one-on-one sessions. He and his beloved life partner devon are the authors of How Not to Be a Hot Mess: A Survival Guide for Modern Life.