Well, friends, it’s been a good run.
We’ve been in Hawaii just about a year now. And what a year it’s been. So lovely to spend time with you Monday nights, unpacking the Satipatthana Sutta, discussing a dharmic response to climate change, or just sharing our thoughts and feelings about this very life. So sweet to sit together for daylong retreats, seeing each other, hearing each other, and finding our way, together, into the practice.
Maybe we’ll be back. Who knows? But for now it’s time for us to take our leave.
Please join us for this Friday night event. It’s our last event before we shave our heads, go on pilgrimage, and then step into retreat and semi-retreat for seven months.
Things will kick off at 6pm with a dinner by the wonderful Alyssa Moreau
Maybe around 7:30 or so we’ll all gather in the shrine room
We’ll do some meditation together
Then we’ll chat about:
Why the heck we’re shaving our heads and going into long retreat
And how we can all stay in touch while the two of us galavant
As always, this evening is open to people of all faiths, persuasions, races, ethnicities, nationalities, ages, resources, sexual orientations, gender orientations, and ranges of ability.
For questions and to register email Linda Engelberg - engel@hawaii.edu.
Please bring $10 for dinner
The rest of the evening is offered on a dana (donation) basis.
About Devon and Craig Hase
Devon and Craig have studied with some of the great meditation teachers of our time. When they are not in months-long retreat, they teach mindfulness widely in the United States and Europe.
Joseph Goldstein, the co-founder of Insight Meditation Society and author of acclaimed works on mindfulness, says of them, "Devon and Craig are deeply experienced practitioners, with a strong dedication to their own meditation journey. They have immersed themselves for many years in long intensive practice, and I highly recommend their mindfulness teaching."